The art of
Developing and designing solutions for Excel and complete Office 365 projects based on VBA
Designing VBA solutions for clients and businesses is about more than just piling up lines of code to meet basic needs. Clean and documented codes must be designed, as well as simple user interfaces with attractive designs. On this website I offer different solutions and tools for both clients and developers, thus intending to help beginner programmers and to allow eventual clients to consider contracting my services with eloquent examples.

About me
Diego Vigueras Calabria
I am a developer with extensive experience: over more than 20 years I have developed my skills both as an employee, as a civil servant and as an entrepreneur. What really satisfies me is entrepreneurship combined with software developing, being very proud to have been able to carry out the project in which I have been immersed for the last 5 years: my own software developing company for third parties.
You have average developers, you have good developers, and occasionally you find an amazing developer. My project requirements were satisfied and even exceeded.
Ian McPherson @ Perth, Australia
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Some of my free downloadable solutions for both users and developers.

Roulette Martingale
VBA Excel Dashboard
Betting strategies and winning probabilities based on occurrence simulations applied to the Roulette Martingale method.

Modular Calculator
Windows Forms - VB.NET
Form to calculate the final cost of a modular product for laboratory industry, with dynamic images and descriptions.

Substrings Splitting
VBA Excel Dashboard
Small sample of how to apply VBA’s one-dimensional array and split techniques on an Excel dashboard with dynamic behavior.